The Men of the Man Blog recommend:

The Men of the Man Blog Recommend:

What Is in Jason Statham's Garbage?

Men, the time has come to man-up and do what it takes. Society wants us to do the dishes, wear pink, and listen to Celine Dion.... at the same time.

This is wrong.

The Man Blog is here to right these wrongs and give men everywhere an alternative to a life spent as a weakling.

Imagine: If you went through Jason Statham's garbage, what would you find? Probably a few empty bullet casings, a castaway pair of numchucks, an endorsement contract with BMW, Cuban cigars that didn't meet his standards, and the occasional '84 Bordeaux.

In my experience, such items never come in pink.

So go ahead. Wear that shirt, wash those dishes, but change the oil in your car and go to the shooting range to make up for it. Take a page out of Scott Brown's book and get named the Sexiest Man Alive and run for Senate. If it seems rugged, undeniably masculine, and violent, don't let society drain your virility. Maybe someday your garbage will reek of fine wines and enemies vanquished.

Godspeed, Brothers.


Losing With Class

I think men need to learn how to lose.

You may disagree with what I just said. You, the solid specimen of a man that you are, may turn up your nose at the first sentence of this post and say in a snotty voice, "But, I don't need to know how to lose. I never lose." Good for you, buddy. I think you're in denial though. We both know you don't have a perfect record. No one does. Even Lance Armstrong gets third.

Just for clarification, what I am not saying is that you shouldn't win. A man who gives up on winning is hardly a man. What I am saying is that sometimes you will lose. When you do, it's always good to be prepared because the greatest measure of a man is not how he reacts when he wins, but rather how he responds to defeat. 

 For those times when you lose, and you and I know that you have/will, I want to offer three things to remember. 

1) Keep your cool. 

No one, especially women, likes the guy who erupts like Vesuvius every time he loses. Being upset when you lose isn't bad. You should be a little angry when you lose. If you're not upset after you lose, go to your doctor and get a physical just to make sure you're a man. There is a fine line between being upset and making a fool of yourself, however. Tantrums aren't cool. They never have been. When you lose take a deep breath, square your shoulders, and hold your head high. Take it like a man. 

2) It's a war, not a battle.

Keeping a future focus is key. My life motto is "live to win." Living to win is getting up after a defeat and pressing on. Tomorrow is a new day ready to be conquered. And you will conquer it. Every man has to maintain a paradoxical mentality that combines an unyielding drive for victory and a willingness to accept defeat. This mindset is aided by keeping a long term view. Remembering that victory isn't achieved, or forfeited, in a day is key. 

3) Study the greats. 

The avid followers of this blog (all two of you) may remember a previous post that included this point, but I think it is worth repeating. When it comes to losing with class, one of the easiest ways to learn is to study men who set an example. Robert E. Lee is a superb example of this. With everything on the line- his home, his job, his country- he took it on the chin. Imitation is not only the sincerest form of flattery, it is also the easiest way to master a skill.

Difficulty will arise. Because of this, every man stumbles and falls occasionally. A man who lives a life free of challenge and opposition is not living life at all. I repeat for emphasis: the true test of any man is not how he conducts himself when the sailing is smooth. The examination begins when he encounters a storm.

Sail on my friends.  


  1. I am one of the two avid readers

  2. brilliant wisdom.
    I guess this makes me the second avid reader.

  3. Anonymous30.4.10

